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Irgendwann sollen hier Ressourcen rund Tuuls und Strategien im Umgang mit Notizen aufgeschaltet werden.
In der Zwischenzeit: Termine, Kontaktangaben und ein paar nette Zitate …
Montag 04. März
ganztägiger Workshop @HyperWerk
Donnerstag 06. März
ganztägiger Workshop @HyperWerk
Freitag 28. März | Freitag 04. April
offener Austausch zu Notizen, Tuuls und so …
jeweils zwischen 12:00 und 14:00 @HyperWerk
(genauen Ort aktualisieren wir hier, sobald wir mehr wissen)
Dienstag 15. Oktober 2024
ganztägiger Workshop @HyperWerk
Digital media introduced a new scale, pace, and pattern to human communication, and, in this way, altered how the world is perceived.
With regards to scale, we encounter an unprecedented amount of information about the world at large through digital media. With regards to pace, we encounter this information with previously unknown and unrelenting immediacy. And, with regards to pattern, we encounter it both in novel social contexts and in a form that bears greater resemblance to a database than a story.
L.M. Sacasas, Narrative Collapse
In the short term, distractions can keep us from doing the things we want to do. In the longer term, however, they can accumulate and keep us from living the lives we want to live, or, even worse, undermine our capacities for reflection and self-regulation, making it harder, in the words of Harry Frankfurt, to “want what we want to want.” Thus there are deep ethical implications lurking here for freedom, wellbeing, and even the integrity of the self.
Jenny Odell, How to do nothing, S. 113
If we have only so much attention to give, and only so much time on this earth, we might want to think about reinfusing our attention and our communication with the intention that both deserve.
Jenny Odell, How to do nothing, S. 167
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